EBVHCM (Electrolysis Blend Valeda Holistic Combination Mode) by Valeda, invented in 1990 by Dr. Seema Bali, MD, BHMS, is a pioneering and scientifically validated solution for permanent hair removal, suitable for all hair colors and skin types, including difficult cases like grey, white, and coarse hair. Developed at Valeda Skin and Hair Clinic, this advanced treatment integrates traditional electrolysis with blend, homeopathy and acupuncture in a unique method called the "Electrolysis Blend Valeda Holistic Combination Mode" (EBVHCM). By sending a galvanic impulse into the hair follicle, EBVHCM not only removes unwanted hair but also addresses deeper causes like hormonal irregularities and metabolic dysfunctions that may be driving hair growth. This holistic approach minimizes side effects, ensuring healthier, balanced skin while providing a safe, effective solution for various areas, including the face, neck, body, and sensitive regions.
Contacts : 9313233341/9971854669
Web site: https://www.valedadoctor.com/


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